Page 12 - Standard Indicators for the social appropriation of science
P. 12

comments that endorse or reject the content of          trust is based. In some issues, people’s trust is
        a post. When the comments reject the content,           linked to personal relationships (in some way,
        the reader’s consensus is lower than when the           the experience of someone close or relative).
        comments endorse the content.  Therefore,               On other issues, professionals  prefer to be
        the results underscored  the importance of              advised by professionals in a certain field, as in
        perceived social consensus in the formation of          medical-patient relationships. Some also have
        opinions.                                               a fundamentalist position, either for ideological
                                                                or religious reasons and therefore, the training
        Finally,  one  of  the  topics  that  are  in  vogue    or expert opinions do not cause any change in
        in science communication research today,                their perspective on a topic. With the proposal
        especially since the beginning of the COVID-19          of this project, we hope that some inquiries can
        pandemic, is the trust of citizens in the sources of    be made in this regard.
        information and whether their decision-making
        on topics related with science and technology
        are influenced by the information they receive
        from the media, by their relationship  or by
        their professional experience.  In some way,
        social scientists’ interest has grown to know
        our  degree  of  confidence  in  the  face  of  the
        excessive  volume  of  information  we  receive.
        It is not easy  to assess on  which  pillars  the

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