Page 44 - Standard Indicators for the social appropriation of science
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hybridisation  with  other  varieties.  For  the        that in other laboratories they were unable to
        researchers  there is no-hidden-economic-               replicate it. There is therefore no evidence that
        interest, especially because farmers are used           GMOs  are  harmful  from  the  point  of  view  of
        to  buying  seeds  in  conventional  farming  as        human health.
                                                                What are the environmental risks?
        What are the main issues of concern for
        human health?                                           Environmental  groups  initially  ridden  the  fear
                                                                that GMOs were potentially harmful to health.
        The scientific consensus to date is that GMOs           There  is  no  scientific  evidence  on  this  point.
        do not  pose  health risks  to  humans. GMOs            The  environmental  impact  of  GMO  crops  on
        have been heavily studied and new GM crops              which  scientists  are  continuing  to  investigate
        must  go  through  an  evaluation  and  approval        is quite different. For clarity: the problem does
        process through the FDA. If the FDA doesn’t             not concern GMOs per se, but monocultures
        determine they are safe, they won’t reach the           in general for which forests are cut down, etc.
        market.                                                 The only difference, if anything, is that some
                                                                more pesticides and fertilisers appear to  be
        The  WHO  says  that  because all GM  crops             used  on  GMO  crops,  but  the  environmental
        are different,  there shouldn’t be a  blanket           problem concerning intensive GMO crops are
        statement about whether all GM foods are safe           shared with conventional agriculture as well.
        or not – but the organisation follows with “GM
        foods currently  available  on the international        Have longitudinal studies been conducted
        market have passed safety assessments and               to  understand  the  effects of  GMOs  on
        are not likely to present risks for human health.       health?
        In addition, no effects on human health have
        been shown as a result of the consumption of            Longitudinal  studies  have  been  conducted
        such foods by the general  population  in the           following cohorts of people over long periods,
        countries where they have been approved.”               trying to understand  what impact there may
                                                                be.  It  must  be  clear,  however,  that  science
        While  there  are  some  studies  that  have            never  has  a  definitive  answer.  We  may  not
        reported potential health risks, a 2017 review          yet  have  detected  the  problems  caused  by
        of studies usually cited as evidence of adverse         GMOs,  given  that  the  human  organism  is  a
        effects of GM food found that most of those             complex system in which it is difficult to study
        studies were invalid due to conflict of interest,       the effect of something, excluding everything
        flawed  study  design  or  poor  implementation.        else. However, scientists – epidemiologists in
                                                                particular – have investigative techniques that
        Years ago, a scientist published an article             allow them to isolate certain factors. What we
        highlighting potential health risks of GMOs.            can say is that, to date, no one has found the
        How did the story end? Are there updates?               “smoking gun” that traces GMOs to potential
                                                                risks to human health.
        The story ended with a stalemate. The study
        was conducted on laboratory mice. Humans                Can some mutations that are produced in
        are not mice, and the results we get on                 the laboratory also be produced in a more
        mice can’t always be transferred to  humans.            “natural”  way,  perhaps through  crossing
        Furthermore, the study also presented                   species?
        important methodological deficits, so much so

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