Page 39 - Standard Indicators for the social appropriation of science
P. 39
Climate change mitigation
made strategies, but then application is so Take a look at the labels on your appliances,
slow, or many times there is a lack of inspection and never leave them on standby. Always adjust
officials to see how much is emitted, that they the thermostat for heating and air conditioning.
are very difficult to implement. By being careful how we use home appliances,
we can save energy and, of course, money at
I believe that the winning triangle is legislation, the end of the month.
personnel to execute that legislation and
budget. And then also citizen commitment is 3. Put the 3 R’s of sustainability into practice
important, so we are all willing and committed • Reduce: consume less, more efficiently.
to accept those changes because if changes • Reuse: take advantage of second-hand
are imposed on us and we do not understand markets, to give new life to items that you don’t
where the problem is, we are going to reject use anymore or find something that someone
those changes. We have to understand them, else has gotten rid of that you need. You’ll be
demand them, ask for them and talk about saving money and reducing your consumption.
them and above all promote them. Bartering is also a practical solution.
How can we improve our behaviour • Recycle: packaging, waste from electronics,
in everyday life to improve the etc. You can save over 730 kilos of CO each
situation with climate change? year just by recycling half of the garbage
produced at home.
Climate change is a proven fact. Global
warming has caused serious changes to the 4. Reduce the consumption of meat and dairy
planet, such as rising sea levels, extreme products
weather events, deforestation, disappearance
of species. But as individuals we can slow In the EU, meat and dairy production is
down global warming by implementing small estimated to be responsible for 12-17% of total
more sustainable actions within our community. greenhouse gas emissions, while throughout
Changes in the way you live your life – both the world, the global livestock industry produces
big and small –can help you reduce your own more greenhouse gas emissions than all cars,
personal carbon footprint, and also encourage planes, trains and ships combined. That doesn’t
policy makers to act for the good of the planet. mean that everyone has to become vegan or
Some daily habits can help to fight against vegetarian - even a small shift in diets, with
climate change. a reduction in meat and dairy products, and
more plant-based foods instead, could reduce
1. Reduce emissions the pressure that agriculture places on the
Use your car less, whenever possible, instead
use sustainable transportation, such as 5. Avoid plastic
bicycling, or use public transportation more
often. In the case of long-distance travel, trains Plastic is the all-round material and is therefore
are more sustainable than airplanes, which present in pretty much every aspect of our
cause a great deal of the CO emitted into the lives. But the durability of the material (which
atmosphere. If you are into cars, remember that also makes it so popular) is of course also its
every kilometre that you increase your speed most drastic disadvantage: we are struggling
will considerably increase CO emissions and to get rid of it. Plastic has found its way pretty
expenses. According to the EC, each litre of much everywhere – on streets, in rivers, on
fuel that your car uses, equals around 2.5 the beach, in cosmetics, in wastewater, in
kilograms of CO emitted into the atmosphere. our clothing, even in the air we breathe. And
there is also a close connection between
2. Save energy climate change and our massive global plastic