Page 6 - Standard Indicators for the social appropriation of science
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to persist. Therefore, launching the open- in terms of their social science. Besides, these
access platform for everyone was the first scales can also measure when fundamentalist
challenge. Subsequently, hard work was done positions are due to ideological or religious
to incorporate a questionnaire into the platform issues. It can be identified when the responses
to measure how the responses would be did not move. For this reason, we believe
modified, through questionnaires with Likert’s that this type of platform can measure over
scales, to be answered before and after time the profiles of students who have a more
carrying out training activities. For example, inclined tendency to increase or decrease the
how does the scale vary between the answer scale depending on how the debate presented
to questionnaire 1, sent a week before the and how the expert defended their topic.
training activity, and questionnaire 2, sent after
attending the training activity, on topics such as The book, which is published in Open Access,
vaccines? Probably, a student, before knowing consists of five chapters. In the first chapter,
the risks that not being vaccinated can produce the state of the art is presented. In the second
on public health, could have a different level of chapter, the design of the platform is explained.
perception than after attending a formative talk Besides, a detailed description of the platform
and a Socratic debate. That is the question that is made and how the questionnaires and
we were seeking to identify with the project. questions were entered and how they must
be used correctly. In the third chapter, it is
The second intellectual output derived from explained how the Science Camps were
PERSIST_EU is this book. This publication carried out in each university and the main
includes the processes and steps that we results that were obtained. In the fourth
carried out for the project’s execution and chapter, the main questions students posed,
collects both the technical point of view and the the answers the experts provided, as well as a
research results (through the activities). Once list of trustworthy online resources for the four
the science camps have been held, we assess topics are presented, so they can be used for
the weight that the activities have had in each support in different activities related to these
participating country. The science camps helped topics. And, in the fifth and last chapter, the
us verify the platform’s usability and validate annexes, including a detailed guide to using
it as an evaluation instrument. Likewise, the the platform, and other included activities are
questionnaires’ results, by checking how the detailed, as well as suggestions and proposals
scales have moved, once the training activities for other activities that could be carried out to
and debates were held, allowed us to analyse improve the experience.
the differences between countries, gender and
cultural differences among university students All the members of the PERSIST consortium have