Page 23 - Standard Indicators for the social appropriation of science
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The targeted students were from diversified The day of the activity the expert gave a short
knowledge areas and attended voluntarily. By talk followed by a Q&A section. Then, students
sharing their views, they contributed to generate were divided in groups of 4-8 participants and
knowledge about beliefs and perceptions on given a statement to work with. One group
these topics. would have to prepare arguments in favour
of the sentence and the other one, against it.
All VSC shared the same general structure. Afterwards, the groups would go back into the
One week before attending the VSC, the plenary and present their arguments. A final
participant students received their personal discussion would ensue. Finally, participants
code to answer the questionnaire on the ICT would receive the link to the second
platform. A few days before the VSC they questionnaire.
received a link to a short video related to the
topic and were asked to send their questions The videos and the sentences were selected
via e-mail or platforms like Slido. In online in order to generate discussion on particular
activities sometimes people interact less, science issues (table 4).
having questions beforehand can help to start
this interaction during the Q&A section and the
Table 4. Topics, science issues, videos and statements used for the VSC.
Topics Issues Video Statement
Climate Theory and Climate models. Existing climate models
should guide structural
Global weirding,
change hypothesis PBS Digital Studios. political decisions
Video about climate change
Europe’s new
GMOs Theory and approach to GMOs, Since we still do not
know enough about
hypothesis European Parliament. GMO’s consequences,
Video we should delay their
The side effects of The placebo effect
CAM Precautionary vaccines: how high is the justifies the state
principle / risk risk? paying for alternative
management Kurzgesagt - In a Nutshell medicines like
Video homeopathy.
Homeopathy explained: Statistics show that
Vaccines Placebo effect gentle cure or reckless side-effects from
Kurzgesagt - vaccines are very rare
In a Nutshell and worth the risks.