Page 50 - Standard Indicators for the social appropriation of science
P. 50

4.4 Vaccines

         How vaccines work

         What are the known vaccines?                            the  beginning  of  vaccination,  as  well  as  the
         Diseases  preventable  by  vaccination  are             doses, are therefore not random but based on
         infectious ones (viral or bacterial). Examples are      certain tried and tested criteria.
         vaccines against rotavirus and meningococcus            An  example  of  this  review  is  the  tetanus
         B,  which are  tested,  safe,  internationally          vaccine that used to be given every ten years,
         approved vaccines, but are not mandatory in             but the period was extended lately, because it
         many  countries.  There  are  also  vaccinations        was realised that people still had immunity to
         that are internationally required., i.e., vaccines      tetanus.
         that  must  be  administered  in  travellers’
         appointments, i.e., in international vaccination        How  long  does  a vaccine take to  be
         centres when we go to certain countries.                prepared?

         Yellow  fever  is  an  endemic  disease  in  some       The same time as other drugs (medicines)
         countries and since we can only enter these             which are not vaccines. The rules of preparation
         countries  by  taking  the  vaccine,  there  is  an     are  established  at  international  level  and  go
         obligation  to  take  it.  Hepatitis A  is  a  vaccine   through  several  phases. A  pre-clinical  phase
         that,  in a lot of countries, is administered  to       corresponds to the research phase (laboratory).
         people  who  travel  to  certain  areas  of  Africa     Molecular studies, biochemical  studies and
         or some South American countries, but not to            characterisation  are necessary.  Then studies
         all. It is known that hepatitis A was a common          on cellular lines and later on animal models.
         disease in the 1960/70s, and people who were            Then  moving  on  to  the  clinical  phase,  which
         born until the 1960s do not need to take this           involves humans and also has 3 to 4 phases.
         vaccine, because they already had the disease.
         However, for those who were born later, it is           The clinical  phase consists of the 1  phase
         recommended they get vaccinated when they               performed initially in some individuals, the 2
         are travelling.                                         phase  performed  in  selected  individuals  and
                                                                 the 3  phase, a true clinical trial. In this phase,
         Across Europe  and  other parts of the world            there is a  drug and there is  a placebo, and
         national  vaccination  programs  exist,  whose          they are administered “blindly”. The doctors do
         schemes reveal the age at which vaccines are            not know to which patient they administer the
         normally  administered.  There  are  variations         drug in order to assess their response and if it
         between different countries. There are specific         is the intended one. The question of phase 3
         reasons  though,  why  vaccines  are  given  at         studies not being representative is not correct,
         certain ages and doses. For example, VASPR,             since the regulatory authorities, both American
         vaccine against measles, parotitis and rubella.         and European, are extremely strict  in the
         It is often given at 12 months because it has           requirements  of the sample  being  studied.
         a  component,  ovalbumin,  which  can  cause            Randomised trials are mandatory and must be
         allergic  reactions.  Children  at 12 months of         compared it not only with the placebo, but with
         age have already started eating eggs, so it is          the drug.
         already known if they are allergic to it. Allergic
         reactions  to  ovalbumin  are  rare. The  date  of      There can be a 4  phase. It is the one where the

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