Page 53 - Standard Indicators for the social appropriation of science
P. 53
Will a vaccine against cancer appear in the first scientists were confronted and questioned.
next few years? Initially it was believed that there was a
confusion with the age at which the vaccine is
Cancer is a very complex disease that has administered and the beginning of the signs of
very different causes. It has different levels of autism. Later, it was proved judicially that there
prevention and different treatments depending were conflicts of interest of the authors. They
on the cancer. For example, the main risk were discredited all over the world and the
factor for lung cancer is tobacco, the main articles were taken from the magazines where
risk factor of melanoma is unprotected sun they had been published.
exposure, therefore is not possible to prevent
through a vaccine. However, it is possible to Will pathologies that will appear in the
prevent cervical cancer with a vaccine, since future be more resistant to the point that a
it is caused by a virus – human papilloma, as vaccine will not serve as treatment?
well as to do its prevention from cytological
screenings. There is also another type of With the flu it behaves in such a way that there
cancer avoidable by vaccination, which is one is a new vaccination every year. There is an
of the forms of liver cancer, caused by the update based on the characteristics of the virus
hepatitis B virus. If we are vaccinated for this of the previous year. In addition, it is necessary
virus, it is not possible to have liver cancer for to think about the possible impact that climate
this reason. change may have on hosts, vaccine recipients
and on the microorganisms themselves.
Communication and
communication of risks about Which actors besides journalists can and
should educate people about vaccination?
vaccines My doctor, for example, has never asked
me about it.
Are all the side effects of vaccines known?
Of course, other groups besides journalism
Considering that the vaccines in most national should provide more information about
vaccination programs are old ones, have tens vaccination. Starting, of course, with doctors, it
of years of experience and millions of people is also good to have campaigns every now and
have been vaccinated around the world, it is then. Experience shows that such campaigns
possible to say that almost all of the effects are are successful. You can’t just come across with
known. However, even after a long time, side facts and figures in the answers, but you actually
effects are still registered and investigated by have to convey the topic emotionally. And
international and national institutions in order doctors in particular have a great responsibility
to be able to withdraw vaccines if necessary. to get this across. But unfortunately, there are
also many doctors who are not so convinced
Is there a relationship between autism and themselves or forget it.
Ultimately, this is also a question of science
There is not. In 1998, some authors launched communication. Younger doctors and
the possibility of a connection between researchers in particular approach the public
measles vaccination and autism. This study differently. Perhaps this can improve the
was replicated by other scientists around the information situation between the public and
world to try to understand what was happening science in the future.
and they did not obtain the same results. The