Page 54 - Standard Indicators for the social appropriation of science
P. 54

What is the best way to change the minds                people often don’t take them seriously and
        of people who do not support vaccination?               the negative attitude is reinforced by the fact
                                                                that someone feels they are being laughed at
        Be aware if the effectiveness and success of            or, in fact, not taken seriously. If you ask why
        vaccination that is happening in some countries         someone  doesn’t  want  to  be  vaccinated  and
        may  be  contributing  to  the  anti-vaccination        the answer is because it’s poison, then you
        movements. The WHO developed a guide for                can explain that it’s not poison. But if you make
        health professionals to teach how to respond            it sound  like the person  you’re  talking  to is
        to  people  who  are  against  vaccination.  It  is     stupid, then it just reinforces the feeling. And
        difficult,  but  there  are  people  with  doubts,      that  is  very  dangerous  and  can  take  a  fatal
        there are people who are hesitant, there are            development. There  are  few  people  who  are
        people who refuse due to faith and then there           actually  against  vaccines,  but  probably  not
        are the organised movements. These are the              as  many  as  you  might  think.  We  also  have
        dangerous ones. It is fashionable to be different       to be careful not to artificially exaggerate the
        and question some certainties.                          problem of the opponents of vaccination in the
                                                                reporting, because in the  end there  may  not
        How      would      it   be     necessary      to       be so many people who adhere to conspiracy
        communicate and educate the public                      myths  and  oppose  vaccination.  They  are
        so    that    conspiracy      theories     about        nonetheless serious groups that are organising
        vaccination no longer appear or circulate?              and engaging in disinformation. That, in turn,
                                                                needs to be mapped in the future.
        This must be dealt with openly and early on.
        It is often the case that information about side          COVID-19 vaccines (questions
        effects is not communicated  transparently
        enough. In  the same way,  one should point             from May-December 2020)
        out the conspiracy theories. That’s a double-
        edged sword, because you then have to repeat            Is there any vaccine against COVID-19 that
        them in parts and  offer them a platform. But           is being done through antibodies from
        there are good ways to not reiterate that too           people who have already been infected?
        much. You may be approached by friends or
        family saying that  they can imagine there is           There are more than 100  clinical  trials of
        something to such conspiracy myths related to           vaccines  for  COVID-19  at  this  stage.  The
        a certain issue. One thinks then perhaps one            expert believe they are all being made from the
        cannot take that seriously. But this is an attempt      antigens of people who have been infected, but
        of people to understand the things that happen          plasma administrations are also being tested,
        around them, this is a human need. And the              instead of full blood being only part of the blood
        fact  that especially  during the Corona crisis         of people who have been sick, in people who
        many of  these conspiracy theories resurface            are healthy. The same is true for patients with
        is of course also due to the dimension of the           leukaemia.
        whole  thing, nobody  knows  where  it came
        from, suddenly it was there, and half the world         The  British government had  proposed
        is in quarantine. So, you have to say it directly,      to  wait  for the coronavirus epidemic
        but  never  forget  to  put  the  facts  behind.        to spread until  it naturally reaches
                                                                herd immunity. Is it a viable strategy?
        There  is  a  very  good  website of WHO,  it
        collects conspiracy  theories  about Corona,            Herd immunity is calculated  as a function of
        with pictograms the conspiracy  theories                the value of R0, that is, the spreading capacity
        are presented and then refuted with the                 of  an infectious disease. Now,  suppose that
        presentation of the facts.                              SARS-CoV-2 R0 is 3, which is an intermediate
                                                                value,  this  would  mean  that  66%  of  the
        How many people have a negative attitude                population would have to contract the disease
        towards vaccinations and how to respond?                and develop immune antibodies for the disease
                                                                to  stop  circulating.  The  scientific  community
        The  main  problem  of  vaccine  deniers  is  that      believes that this is an excessive share, given

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